butterflies and moths
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Staff photo index
Last update: 2017-07-27
Black and yellow butterflies gathered on elephant dung (Uganda)
Butterfly on dark green leaf (Uganda)
Butterflies gathered on the edge of a puddle (Uganda)
Dark brown to black butterfly with purple, red, and pale yellow markings showing its light brown underwings (Uganda)
Black and yellow butterflies gathered on elephant waste (Uganda)
Uganda's beautiful and diverse butterfly fauna in the grill of our Land Rover (Uganda)
Blue and green butterfly (Gabon)
Black and yellow butterflies (Belenois creona) gathered on elephant droppings (Uganda)
Butterfly (Uganda)
Orange skipper butterfly (Uganda)
Pale orange butterfly with black and white markings (Uganda)
Orange skipper butterfly (Uganda)
Hundreds of butterflies gathered on elephant droppings (Uganda)
Black and white butterfly (Uganda)
Orange butterfly landing on a vine leaf (Uganda)
Dark brown to black butterfly with purple, red, and pale yellow markings (Uganda)
Pale orange butterfly on a dead leaf (Uganda)
Butterflies gathering on elephant dung (Uganda)
White moth on leaf litter (Gabon)
Uganda's beautiful and diverse butterflies in the grill of our Land Rover (Uganda)
Black and white butterfly on a dead flower (Uganda)
Butterflies feeding on minerals in the soil (Uganda)
Aqua and black butterfly found on our car windshield (Uganda)